

Problem: When scrolling through NBA player stats online there are hundreds of players and no way to compare smaller subsets of players for fantasy picks. Example: If you are looking at the ESPN stats table below and you want to compare player 2 (Bradley Beal), 9 (Kevin Durant) and 13 (Nikola Jokic) you have to look through the noise of the other 9 players that are in between which presents a poor user experience.
Solution: An NBA player comparison website that lets you create your own sortable tables of players as well as compare players head to head.

Data Model

The application will store Users, Players Data, and Lists

  • users can have multiple player lists (via references)
  • each list can have multiple statistics (by embedding)
An Example User:

    username: "Fantasy Player 1",
    hash: // a password hash,
    lists: // an array of references to User's Fantasy Teams

An Example List with Embedded Stats:

    user: // a reference to a User object
    name: "Fantasy Team 1",
    stats: [
        { player: "LeBron James", team: "Los Angeles Lakers", Age: "36"},
        { player: "Stephen Curry", team: "Golden State Warriors", Age: "33"},
    createdAt: // timestamp

Wireframes and Site Map

/viewPlayers - page for viewing players

/myTeams - page for showing user's fantasy teams

/comparePlayers - page for comparing player statistics

Site Map

User Stories or Use Cases

1. As a fantasy basketball user I want to be able to view a sortable table of all the players in the NBA so I can explore different players to consider drafting/adding to my fantasy team
2. As a fantasy basketball user I want to be able to create a sortable table of a smaller subset of players in the NBA so I can more directly compare/track a group of players that I’m still considering drafting/adding to my fantasy team
3. As a fantasy basketball user I want to be able to view a player’s current and past statistics against another player and see which player does better in each statistic so I can directly compare two players that I’m considering drafting/adding to my fantasy team

Github Repository

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